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Allen Domelle

A City of Truth

Zechariah 8:3

Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.

God said when He returns to Zion, it will become known as a city of truth. What a wonderful reputation to have! To be known as a place where truth abounds is to be known as a place you can trust. Why would Zion be known as the city of truth once God comes to inhabit the city? The answer is found in John 14:6 which says, …I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jesus is truth, and wherever He abides will known as a place or city of truth.

It would be very good if God’s people became known as a city of truth. We live in days when it does not bother many to tell a lie. Sadly, many of God’s people tell lies, and it never bothers them. Telling the truth should not be an anomaly, but it should be the norm and standard expected by all of God’s people. When you become a person who tells the truth all the time, you will become a person who strives for the truths of God’s Word. You show me someone who is willing to compromise for convenience and I will show you a dishonest person who is willing to lie for convenience. Simply put, you cannot trust the word of a compromiser because they are a liar. God’s people should be known as a city of truth. There are several results of being known as a city of truth.

First, you don't have to remember what you said. You can have a bad memory if you always tell the truth because you only have to remember one thing: the truth. The greatest thing about being a city of truth is that you don't have to remember which lie you told to which person. Tell the truth all the time and all you have to remember is the truth.

Second, being a city of truth gains the trust of others. I would much rather be known as a person of truth than as someone who says what is convenient to say, even if it means I must lie for convenience's sake. People don't trust liars, but they will trust someone who always tells the truth. The easiest way to rebuild trust if you have lost the trust of others is to become a person who always tells the truth.

Third, being a city of truth gains favor with God. Maybe, the greatest result of telling the truth is that God loves truth and will bless those who tell the truth and live for the truth. Again, if you always tell the truth, you will also live for the truth, which means you will never compromise God’s Word, which brings favor with God. All anyone needs in life is God’s favor because His favor brings His protection and blessings to one’s life.

Fourth, being a city of truth builds a solid and stable life. You cannot build a solid life on lies; a solid and stable life is built by doing right, and telling the truth is always right. You can tell lies to make yourself look better, but the instability of lies always results in instability. If you want to have a life of stability, be a person who always tells the truth.

Fifth, being a city of truth builds great relationships. Deceit is always at the core of every relationship problem; therefore, being truthful all the time builds great relationships because great relationships are built on truth. If you value the people in your relationships, you will be a city of truth so they will know they can always trust what you say no matter the circumstances of life.


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