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A Tender One

Allen Domelle

Ezekiel 17:22

Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:

God spoke a parable to Israel about what kind of person He wants to work with. He said Israel had become a tree that had exalted itself, a tree He could no longer work with because it did not want His help. God said that because he could no longer work with this tree, He would cut off a twig from that tree and work with that little twig. It was not just any twig that God would work with, but it was a tender one. God said He would work with the ones who would go to Him and do whatever He wanted them to do.

God still works with the tender heart that depends on His guidance and wants it. Sadly, many are believers like the older tree who feel so exalted about what they have done that God can no longer work with them. These believers have become self-reliant, and it doesn't matter what God tells them to do; they will do their own thing. God wants to work with those who are tender. God will take the heart that is tender toward Him and work with that person until they flourish as a believer.

There is a crucial principle that every ministry worker must learn from this parable. The people you need to invest your time in are those who are tender and come to you for guidance. It is easy to invest most of your time trying to change the one who seems hardened and rebellious because you have a heart for them to get right with God. However, by investing your time in someone who does not want your help, you are wasting time that could be given to someone with a tender heart.

My friend, there are some that you have to give to God and let Him do the work in their hearts. I think of the prodigal son; when he left his father’s house, the father did not pursue him, but he let God work on the son’s heart. You are wasting time with hardened people because they have a hardened heart. You cannot change a hardened heart; only God can do that.

Invest your time in the believer that has a tender heart who wants you to influence them. I am reminded of my pastor telling me about another pastor who called him every week for advice, but when that pastor got to a certain size, that pastor rarely called him. However, he did invest his time in my life, and the reason is because I was interested in his influence in my life. Staff members I worked with often asked how I could get appointments with my pastor so easily. All I told them was that I called my pastor’s secretary and got an appointment. Now that I look back, I know why I could get appointments so easily, and the reason is because I had a tender heart that he could influence, and he invested his time in those who wanted his influence.

Let me challenge you as a ministry worker to stop trying to change the heart of the one who does not want your help. There are a plethora of people in your ministry who have a tender heart and do want your influence. Give your time to those who are tender, and you will find that you will make a great impact on others. Remember that time spent on those you are trying to change who do not want your help is time wasted that could be spent on people who want your influence. Invest your time in the tender heart.


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