1 Kings 17:1
And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.
The times were very dark for Israel. A godless, wicked, and evil king ruled Israel. Ahab, the king, had turned God’s people to worshipping Baal. Because of Israel’s turn from God, God sent three years with no rain to judge the wickedness of this nation. These were hopeless times as their water source dried up, which meant there was no way to grow their crops, resulting in their food supply running out.
However, two words turned the narrative around. Those two words are: And Elijah. Those two words meant there was a man of God. There is always hope in dark days as long as there is a man of God with God’s power on his life. I am reminded of Nineveh that faced the impending wrath of God, but there was a man of God by the name of Jonah who preached, and his preaching turned the city around to God. The fact that God had a man of God to send to Israel meant that God was not done with Israel. It was Elijah’s presence that turned the nation around for good.
We may live in dark days, but there is always hope as long as there is a man of God with God’s power on his life. God always uses a man of God to turn things around for right. Revival is not dependent on political involvement or which party controls the government; it is always dependent on God using a man to turn things around. It may seem as if there is no hope for your nation, but many nations have faced the impossible of turning things around, but when God placed His power on that man, He used that man to turn the impossible situation around.
My friend, God always has an answer when evil prevails. God had Gideon when the evil of the Midianites oppressed Israel. God had David when the Philistines were about to destroy Israel. God had Moses when Israel was under great bondage to Egypt. God has always had an answer to the evil that prevailed.
Moreover, God always has a man to do a great work when evil prevails. As I study history, I have always seen that every generation has had a man of God whom God used to give hope when evil prevailed. There was Isaiah, whose preaching stirred Hezekiah to bring Israel back to God. There was Elijah, who prayed fire down from Heaven, resulting in a great revival to turn the heart of the people from Baal to God. God always has a man on whom He places His power on during the most evil of times.
Furthermore, God always has great works to do when evil prevails. This is the key! God uses men to do great works. The miraculous IS possible for every generation. God’s answer is through a man of God who will step out and attempt the impossible by faith, and that attempt is what causes God to use him mightily to turn the people’s hearts back to God.
Two things are critical. First, every man of God needs to get God’s power on his life and attempt the impossible by faith for God to work the miraculous through him. Second, God’s people need to get behind His man so that the great works will be done. There is hope, but are you willing to do your part to make hope become a reality? Your nation depends on you doing your part so that hope become a reality.