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And Whosoever

Allen Domelle

Revelation 20:15

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

There are two whosoever’s in the Scriptures which every person will be one of them. The first is the whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. This first whosoever is the one who rejected God’s offer for salvation. This first whosoever is the one that put off salvation too long. This first whosoever may be a good person in life. This whosoever may have attended church weekly, sang in the church choir, heard every sermon that his pastor preached, and even taught a Sunday school class, but they never put their trust in Christ to be their personal Saviour. Instead, they put off the conviction of the Holy Spirit because they were worried with what others would think if they said they were not saved. This whosoever will burn in the lake of fire because they never accepted Christ’s offer to be saved.

This first whosoever could also be a person who never heard the Gospel. This first whosoever lived next door to a believer who never witnessed to them about how they could be saved. This first whosoever lived in the neighborhood of a church that believed the right Gospel, but never sent one soul winner to their door to tell them how to be saved. This first whosoever worked with a believer who lived more like the world, and they turned this whosoever off to ever wanting to be saved. This first whosoever saw the unfaithfulness of a person who called themselves a believer, and this whosoever didn't want any part of getting saved because of the hypocrisy they saw in those who say they are saved. However, it doesn't matter the excuse of this first whosoever because it won't matter what everyone else around them did; it only matters that they did not accept Christ as their Saviour.

The second whosoever is found in Revelation 22:17 which says, …And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. This second whosoever was offered the opportunity to be saved, and they accepted it. This second whosoever may or may not have lived a good life after accepting Christ, but they will go to Heaven because they took of the water of life freely. When the moment came that they had to make a choice as to whether to trust their own works or trust Christ’s sacrificial work on Calvary, they accepted His payment, and their eternity was forever settled in Heaven.

As a believer in Christ, you have a responsibility to bring the water of life, which is salvation, to the thirsty soul that would drink it if they just had an opportunity. No soul winner makes any person drink the water of life, but they at least bring it to the lost to give them that opportunity. It is truly sad that there are many believers who drank of the water of life, but never bring that same water to the lost souls that they meet. We cannot make anyone drink the water of life, but we can spend our days bringing that water of life to the lost souls who are thirsty and would drink that water if they had one opportunity.

Let me ask: which whosoever are you? Are you the whosoever that needs to drink of the water of life? If so, never let one thing stop you from drinking of that water, for that water will secure your eternity in Heaven. However, if you are the whosoever who drank of the water of life, carry that water to another lost soul every week so they can drink of the same water and have the everlasting life that this water promises.


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