Mark 1:27
And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.
One of the main differences between Jesus Christ and the religious leaders of the day was that Christ taught, preached, and commanded with authority. He was not like the religious leaders of His day that led with question and doubt because He knew Who He was, and what He was asking people to do. It was Christ’s authority that caused people to notice He was different.
Believers must understand that the Christ Who spoke with authority gives that same authority to them. You will not make a difference in the lives of those you lead if you do not move with authority, teach with authority, preach with authority, and go soul winning with authority. What you believe from God’s Word should be so settled in your mind that it comes out with authority when you talk to others about the Lord. Let me share four reasons you have to speak and teach with authority as a believer.
First, you should speak and teach with authority because of the authority of the Scriptures. I feel sorry for those who have not settled that the King James Bible is an every word Bible, because they have no authority to base what they say and do. One reason you must settle that the King James Bible is an every word, inspired and preserved Word of God is so that you can speak and teach with the authority of God’s Word behind you. When you base what you say on the authority of the Scriptures, you will speak and teach with authority to others because what you are speaking is the authority we must base all that we believe on.
Second, you should speak and teach with authority because of the authority of the Holy Spirit. If you are saved, you have the Holy Spirit living within you. He gives you the authority to speak for Christ to the world. He not only gives you the authority, but He takes your words that you get from God’s Word and delivers them with power. When you speak with the authority of the Scriptures and what you say is in the power of the Holy Spirit, those listening will notice a difference and will be forced to make a decision to accept or reject what is presented.
Third, you should speak and teach with authority because of the authority of God’s unchangeableness. God never changes; therefore, you can speak and teach with authority because you know that what you say from God’s Word is true. The promises of God never fail. If God said something two thousand years ago, it is still true today. God does not change; therefore, His Word never changes. You have the authority of God’s unchangeableness to speak His Word with authority.
Fourth, you should speak and teach with authority because of the authority of God’s calling on your life. God calls every believer to preach the Gospel to the world; therefore, you are not going on your authority, but on the authority of His calling on your life.
My friend, let me challenge you not to be timid as you preach and teach God’s Word. You are to speak and teach with authority so that those listening see no question that what you say is true. People will know you are different when you speak with authority.