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By the Will of God

Ephesians 1:1

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Paul was about one thing: doing the will of God for his life. He says that he was an apostle by the will of God. Now, it is critical to understand that Paul could have chosen not to do God’s will and to do his own will, but he would have missed out on what God made him to do. Paul acknowledged that God made each individual for a specific task. He says in Ephesians 2:10, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. In other words, God made and guided every step of Paul’s life for one purpose, and that purpose was to do God’s will.

My friend, you will only find fulfillment in life by doing what God made you to do, and He made you to do His will. Anything you do in life that is not the will of God will always lead to an empty hole in your life. God made you for a specific purpose, and for you to find that purpose should be your lifelong search.

One of the great desires I have had in my life since I was a young boy was to do whatever God wanted me to do. When I was a boy, I would spend much time in prayer asking God to show me His will for my life. What I have discovered is that God’s will is the greatest life that one can live. Let me share some things you need to do if you are to do God’s will for your life.

First, realize you owe it to God to do what He made you to do. You are God’s workmanship, and to do anything but what your Maker created you to be is to live a life of rebellion. You will only find true joy by doing that for which you were made to do.

Second, have a desire to do God’s will. The psalmist said in Psalm 40:8, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. You will most certainly not find God’s will for your life if you don't have a desire to find it. God will not hide His will from you, but you will not discover it if you don't have a desire to do it.

Third, be faithful to do what you know to do. Paul said this book was written to the faithful in Christ Jesus. Doing God’s will requires faithfulness to God. If you are not faithful to do what you know God wants you to do, you won't be faithful to do what God created you to do, which is His will for your life. Be faithful to read the Scriptures and pray daily. Be faithful to every church service. Be faithful to win souls to Christ. Be faithful to do what is right. God won't show you His will if you are not faithful in what we consider the little things.

Fourth, get busy serving God. God always calls those who are busy. If you are not busy in the ministry, you will never find what God wants you to be. Until you find God’s will, do what you know to be God’s will. God will make His will known to you, but you must do what you know as His will before He shows you the true purpose for which you were created.

Fifth, never let anything sidetrack you from God’s will. Satan will do everything in his power to keep you from doing what you were created to do, but you must stay focused on doing God’s will. Satan will try to sidetrack you with relationships, pursuits in life, or with sin, but you must be determined that you will only do God’s will, as that is the only way you will find true fulfillment in your life.


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