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Allen Domelle

Confusing Noises

Genesis 11:9

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

As a teenage boy, I ushered for the city symphony orchestra. I remember the first time I ushered; I heard the musicians playing their own parts as they got ready for the musical presentation. It sounded like a bunch of noise that made no sense. Everyone was playing what they wanted to play, which produced confusing noises.

Mankind got to the point where they wanted to build a name for themselves. They decided to build a tower that would reach unto heaven. As God looked at these people building their tower, He realized their intent was to forsake Him for themselves. This was when God confused the languages of these men, which caused them to quit building the tower. This tower was called the Tower of Babel.

The name Babel means a confused noise. I find in today’s world there are many Babel’s that make no sense. Just like each musician in the orchestra playing what they wanted made a confusing noise to the listener, so there are many confusing noises in our present world that make no sense. Let me share some of these confusing noises.

The first confusing noise is unity over truth. Many people are willing to sacrifice truth for the sake of unity. Unity should be a result, not a pursuit; a result of discovering likeminded people holding to Scriptural truth. Whenever you pursue unity at the cost of truth, it always causes a confusing noise that tells the next generation that truth is not as important as unity. Truth is what all should pursue, and we must be willing to sacrifice unity to uphold truth if needs be.

The second confusing noise is parents looking to the child for direction. I am amazed at how many preachers look to their grown children for which direction they should take their church when their children are not directionally right. It is a confusing noise when the children lead the parents. Children should look to their parents or the older generation to determine their direction and not vice versa.

The third confusing noise is forsaking the one who helped you. It is a sad day when someone helps you get a position, but once you get that position, you forsake them because you don't want to be associated with them for their strong stand for truth. I would rather be a remnant associated with those who stand strong for truth than to be in the majority and associate with those willing to compromise truth. If someone has helped you, you owe them a debt, and it is your responsibility to honor those who have helped you to be who you are and to get what you have.

Satan loves confusing noise because it causes the next generation not to know what they should believe. Your life or ministry should make a distinct noise as to what you believe, which direction you are headed, and what type of life to live that represents holy living. We are losing the next generation because of so many compromising noises coming from those who should be giving a distinct sound. My friend, everything you do in life should be in proper order and in the right direction. You have a better chance of leading your children or the young generation to the right paths if you keep a distinct noise they can understand that points them to truth.


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