Psalm 11:3
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
The foundations of who we are and what we believe will always be under attack in every generation. Those who despise the old paths attack our foundations by replacement foundations that will surely fail and crumble over time. It is critical that we don't let our foundations be destroyed. God asks, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? If there is no foundation to build upon, there is nothing the believer can do to build churches, reach the lost, and build godly and holy lives for generations to follow. I find several dangerous foundations being offered today that we must refuse. Let me share these dangerous foundations.
Feelings over right is the first dangerous foundation. We change our music because it feels good instead of determining if it is right. We follow methods that feel good instead of following the right methods of the past. Just because something feels right does not make it right. To accept feeling over right will one day cause you to accept your feelings over the truth of God’s Word.
Establishing doctrine over God’s Word is the second dangerous foundation. There is a thought that we establish doctrine first, and then look to validate our doctrine in God’s Word, which is a faulty order. You always look to God’s Word first, and then establish doctrine FROM God’s Word. Doctrine based on our determination always leads to false doctrine no matter how spiritual you think you are. God’s Word is the foundation of all doctrine. If you establish your doctrine first, you will always be able to find something in God’s Word that you can twist to base YOUR doctrine upon.
Unity over truth is the third dangerous foundation. The cry for unity is a cry Satan has established. It started with the tower of Babel, but God quickly showed that unity over truth is always the wrong foundation. You should always seek to follow truth first, and unity is discovered by seeing others who are also seeking the truth. I don't look for unity; I look for truth and discover unity with others who are seeking truth first. If you seek unity first, you will always compromise truth to get to unity.
Silence over contending is the fourth dangerous foundation. God commanded us in Jude to earnestly contend for the faith, not silently uphold the faith. Too many are silent in this generation as truth is attacked when we need voices that will contend for the faith. I will tell you by experience that those who contend for the faith will often find themselves contending alone while the silent majority allows the faith to crumble through compromise. I must always choose contending for the faith, even if it means I must do it alone while those who believe like me are silent.
Pleasure over duty is the fifth dangerous foundation. These are not days to play, but these are days to do right. Too many are playing in the valley around the golden calf while one or two are in the mountain of prayer with God. If you only do right when it is fun or pleasurable, you will never do right.
Ease over inconvenience is the sixth dangerous foundation. It is never convenient to build lives; therefore, you must lay aside ease and be inconvenienced to build the lives of others for the sake of truth. We will never have fruit that remains if we only invest in the lives of others when it is convenient.