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Allen Domelle

Dig Deep

Luke 6:48

He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

There is a reason the house that was built his house upon a rock stood firm in the storms. Just because it was built on the rock did not mean that the house would have withstood the storms. However, the secret to the house standing firm is that the man who built the house digged deep foundations so that his house would withstand any storm that would come his way.

Storms will come in everyone’s life, but only those who dig deep foundations will be able to withstand those storms. Too many have dug shallow foundations, and though they may have withstood a few storms, when the great storms came, they crumbled. Every person needs to build their lives on the Rock, Jesus Christ; However, you must dig deep and set your roots deep so that when the great storms of life come, you don't waver or change. Many who have stood in the shallow storms changed when the great storms came because they didn't dig deep foundations. If you are to withstand the great storms without crumbling to compromise, you must dig deep foundations. Let me share how to dig the deep foundations.

First, dig deep into God’s Word daily so that your life can withstand the storms. Nobody can withstand the great storms of life without digging deep into God’s Word daily and letting God’s Word plant their beliefs in God’s way. Those who are hit-and-miss in studying God’s Word will crumble when the storms come because they have no depth of foundation that comes from God’s Word setting in their heart and mind on what is the right thing to do. You will always find those who crumble in the storms are those who rarely spend time in God’s Word.

Second, dig deep daily in prayer. Prayer is the key to giving you power to overcome any storm that comes your way. Those who have been unscathed by the storms of life are those who have spent much time in prayer begging for God’s power to help them through those storms. You will never make it through the great storms of life unchanged without a great prayer life. The more you pray, the deeper you are digging your life and setting your foundation on the Rock, Jesus Christ.

Third, dig deep foundations in your church. Too many jump from church to church, or are unfaithful to every church service, and have no foundation to help them when the storms come. Church is that place where we receive the exhortation to continue when the storms come. Dig deep and set yourself in your church. Get involved in its ministries so your heart is buried in people. I have found one thing that will keep you going in the storms is having your heart rooted in building lives. You will find that ministering to others keeps you settled during the great storms. Don't dig a shallow foundation in your church, but dig a deep foundation in your church and STAY when you face these great storms.

It doesn't matter how much you try to avoid the great storms, they will come. The only hope of withstanding these great storms is to dig a deep foundation so that the storm does not change you when it comes. Dig deep and set your beliefs in what you believe, and the storms will never change you.


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