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  • Allen Domelle

Don’t Forget the Cup Runneth Over

Psalm 23:5

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Psalm 23 shows that shepherding leadership is very demanding. Many in our day say that a pastor is to be a shepherd, and what they mean is that they feel the pastor is to be very passive and soft in his leadership. However, this standard of shepherding leadership is unbiblical.

In Psalm 23, the shepherding leader is very demanding and forceful. When looking beyond verse 1, you see how the shepherd leads. Notice, He maketh me to lie down. Sounds to me that this leader doesn't care about our feelings. Verse 2 continues to say about this shepherd; he leadeth me beside still waters. Verse 3 continues by saying, he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness. So, this leader doesn't care about our feelings because he is forcing us to the still waters and the paths of righteousness. Wow, maybe this leader needs to take a leadership class from modern-day pastors who demand that we be shepherding leaders. This shepherd didn't stop in this “dictator” style of leadership. Notice this shepherd makes us walk through the valley of the shadow of death. This shepherd makes us eat in the presence of mine enemies. If you listened to the modern-day rebels, you would say this shepherd was a dictator.

However, the result of the shepherd leading this way is what we all want. Notice that the one being led says, my cup runneth over. This is what we want: the blessings. Many want the blessings without the shepherding leader demanding that we do all these things. You see, the cup runs over with blessings because the shepherd truly led despite the dislikes of those he led. Many get upset at the demanding leadership of our Shepherding LORD, but they sure do love their cup running over with blessings. Never forget the blessings came because of the leadership of the LORD.

I am reminded of Israel after Solomon died, who demanded that Rehoboam not be as demanding of a leader as his father was. However, we read, when the queen of Sheba came, that these same people were happy. Solomon may have been demanding, but he was demanding because he knew what led to joy and happiness.

I think of Dr. Lee Roberson, who many embrace as a great leader. Sadly, many have tried to package this man as a soft leader who never demanded of people. However, those of us who knew him also knew that he was very demanding of those he led. If a bus captain didn't have forty people on their bus, he took their bus away. If a Sunday school teacher wasn’t performing the way they should, he would call them out publicly in front of the other Sunday school teachers. He demanded of his people to do their best for the LORD, and that is why he turned out over one thousand pastors and missionaries around the world.

My friend, your cup will run over only if you follow the demands of a good leader who leads you down the old paths. You can get upset with your pastor for putting too much pressure on you or for being too demanding, but what you forget is that your cup is running over with blessings because he leads this way. A psalm 23 leader will lead you to where your cup runneth over with blessings, but his leadership style will be demanding, but the demands are for your good if you will follow them.


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