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  • Allen Domelle

Facing Tragedy Triumphantly

Isaiah 9:10

The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.

There is something about Samaria’s spirit that should stir every believer to take what life has given them and turn it into triumph. Samaria was in a dilapidated condition. The city was in ruins, but they had a determination to turn their tragedy into triumph. Though the bricks had fallen down, they determined to take the stones to rebuild the cities. Though the sycamore trees were cut down, they determined to use cedar trees instead. They were going to take what they had to rebuild a city that was in ruins.

This is the greatest secret to living a triumphant life. You cannot control what life sends at you, but you can take it and find a way to turn it into triumph if you don't give up. Too many let life beat them down without having any fight within to turn tragedy into triumph. There are several attitudes you must have when tragedy comes if you will turn your tragedy into triumph.

First, you must accept that tragedy is not the end of your life. You can run and hibernate in times of tragedy, but that will never turn your situation around. Too many want to hide when hard times come, but that only makes the situation worse. It does not matter if the tragedy in your life is a self-inflicted one or an unexpected one that life has thrown at you; you must accept the tragedy and realize that it is not the end of your life. What happens to your life when tragedy comes is determined by your attitude when it comes.

Second, you must be determined to turn your tragedy into triumph. Nobody has turned tragedy into triumph without determination. The just man fell seven times, but he was determined to get back up. Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison, but he was determined not to let prison destroy his life. Paul faced a thorn in the flesh that he could not get rid of, but he allowed the thorn to become a source to get the power of the Holy Ghost to rest upon him. Determination is always the key to turning tragedy into triumph.

Third, build from where you are when tragedy comes your way. You cannot change places because of tragedy, but you can build from where you are with what you have. The preacher who takes what he has and builds with it is the preacher whom God will use to turn tragedy into triumph. The business person who seemingly lost everything must build from where they are if they will turn tragedy into triumph. You will find the greatest life stories are those who built from where they are and turned tragedy into triumph. Certainly, you may wish you had more given to you, but there must be a fire within your soul to build from where you are to shut the mouths of the naysayers who say you cannot do it.

My friend, I do not pretend to know what your tragedy is, but I do know that with God’s help, you can turn tragedy into triumph IF you determine not to stay down. If health is the tragedy you face today, don't let health keep you down, but determine to build your life with where you are to turn tragedy into triumph. If sin has knocked you down, don't run and hide, but build from where you are to turn tragedy into triumph. Whether your tragedy is financial, death, or sickness, accept that the only way your situation will change is if you choose to build from where you are so that you can turn tragedy into triumph.


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