Luke 5:20-21
And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?
Two different sets of people were present at the same miraculous event that Christ performed. The first crowd was four men who carried a paralytic man. These four men could not get to Jesus because of the crowd that thronged Him. Their only answer to getting this man to Jesus was to tear the roof apart where Jesus was and lower him down so Jesus could heal him. Jesus healed this paralytic man when He saw the faith of these four men.
The second crowd present at this miracle were the scribes and Pharisees. This crowd criticized the miracle because they reasoned in their hearts about this miracle. In other words, these men tried to make sense of this miracle but could not because faith never makes sense; that is why it is called faith.
The same two crowds are still present today. There is the crowd who will do anything by faith to see God do the miraculous in their lives, and there is a crowd who reasons with faith and never sees what God could do through their lives because what faith asks them to do does not make sense.
My friend, there is no rationality to faith. There was no rationality for Peter to step out of the boat by faith, but his faith allowed him to walk on the water. It was not rational for these men to tear a roof apart, a building they did not own. However, their irrationality, which was really faith, is what allowed them to be part of one of the great miracles in Jesus’ ministry.
Likewise, you cannot plan out a life of faith. This is where many struggle. We want to live a life that we can plan out, but you cannot plan the life of faith. Faith is that step where you go beyond plans to trusting God to show you the next step. Abraham knew what God wanted him to do by faith, and he left his homeland to go to a place where he did not know he was going. Instead, he trusted God to take him there, and his faith to trust God led him to be the father of Israel. If you are waiting until you can draw up a plan on everything that makes sense, you will never see the miraculous in your life. If you try to make sense of faith, you will never see its path because it is a life of trusting God to take the next step. I am not saying we should not make plans or be organized, but when you step out by faith, you will often not know how you will get to that destination.
Furthermore, you cannot live in a safety zone of life and live a life of faith at the same time. If you start reasoning how safe your action of faith is, you will reason yourself out of faith and will cause yourself never to see God do the miraculous through your life. The only safety zone in faith is God, but living in His plan is the safest place to live.
Are you trying to reason a life of miracles? Reasoning is one of the great enemies of faith because faith makes no sense to our flesh. Stop trying to reason whether you will take the step of faith and just take that step. Many will think you are crazy, but they will see God’s hand on your life if you will continue to live the life of faith. Step up to the spiritual plate of life and be the crowd that is willing to step out by faith, and you will see God do the miraculous through your life.