Acts 24:25
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.
Paul witnessed everywhere he went. When standing before Felix at his trial, he didn’t waver in giving the Gospel. When he gave his defense for what he believed, Felix knew his need to get saved, but he refused for several reasons. These reasons were a hindrance to him getting saved, but I find that these hindrances still hinder people from accepting Christ’s payment for their sin. Let us look at the five hindrances that hinder people from getting saved.
Reasoning through man’s logic was the first hindrance. Felix tried to reason the salvation of Jesus Christ through man’s logic. The problem with reasoning through man’s logic is that salvation is a faith decision, and faith never makes sense with man’s logic. Man’s way to get saved is that the individual has to do something to help them get saved, but God’s way is that Christ did everything for man to be saved and offers salvation as a free gift. You can reason through your logic, but you will always find it doesn't make sense. Salvation takes faith in Christ alone, and any reasoning will become your hindrance to being saved.
“The next time” is the second hindrance to getting saved. Felix told Paul, Go thy way for this time. Felix expected another opportunity to get saved. Though he did have an opportunity to get saved, he was not guaranteed another opportunity. God says in 2 Corinthians 6:2, …now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. The first time you hear the Gospel is the best time to get saved. It gets harder to get saved if you continue to put it off. Never put off the opportunity to get saved because that may be your last opportunity.
Convenience is the third hindrance to people getting saved. Felix said, when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. The only convenient time to get saved is right now. There is never a convenient time to get saved. Many people have gone to Hell waiting for a convenient time to get saved; now is that time to get saved. If you wait for convenience, you will never find that convenient season to get saved.
Money is the fourth hindrance to people getting saved. Felix hoped that money should have been given to him, and that is why he would not accept Christ’s payment for his sins. Money has sent many people to Hell because they were afraid they had to give up their money to get saved. There is not enough money in the world that can guarantee your eternity in Heaven. Your money will mean nothing to you when you burn in Hell. It is better to be a saved pauper on earth than to be a rich person burning in Hell. Never let your money be the thing that keeps you from getting saved.
Peer pressure is the fifth hindrance to people getting saved. Felix would not get saved because he wanted to show the Jews a favor. Many people have gone to Hell because of the peer pressure of family and friends. You must not worry what others will think about you being saved because you will not stand with them before God; you will stand alone before God. My friend, now is the time to get saved; never let what others think about you getting saved hinder you from settling your eternity in Heaven by accepting Christ’s payment for your sin.