Daniel 1:3
And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes;
Every believer loves the stand of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. We love it when these men said that they would not eat of the king’s meat. We love it when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood up to king Nebuchadnezzar and told him that it didn't matter how many times he heated up the fiery furnace, they would not bow down to his golden image. We love it when Daniel continues praying even when he knew he would face the lion’s den. Certainly, the stand of these men is always worthy of telling.
However, there is one great truth that is missed in the stories of these four men. What is missed is that there were four sets of parents who trained their children right. Each of these men were taken from their parents as captives to be servants to king Nebuchadnezzar. These four men had to learn that they were not to eat of the king’s meat. These four men had to learn that they were not to bow down to any image. These four men had to learn that they were to pray to God even if societal law made it illegal. The stand these men took would have never happened had their parents not trained them to do the right thing.
My friend, never underestimate the power of training children. Many parents feel like they are beating their head, against the wall as they train their children to do right, but they must never give up training them no matter how difficult it becomes. Parents who teach their children right don’t always see their children do right, but that does not mean that their children won’t do right. You must never get discouraged to the point that you give up because you feel you are making no headway with your children. Many young children who were taught to do right may have pushed back many times, but the parents who stood their ground and would not move created the opportunity to see the fruit of their training when their children become adults and take that stand that they were taught to take when facing compromise and wrong.
Many ministry workers can get discouraged as they try to teach children the importance of doing right weekly, but you must never let what seems to be fruitless, the teaching of God’s Word to children who don't seem to listen, cause you to quit. You don't know which lesson it is you teach that will grab the heart of the children. One day that lesson will come to fruition at the right time, and that is why you must never give up teaching God’s Word and standing for right.
Pastor and youth pastor, never give up taking a stand for right and having biblical standards for your youth. Many a youth who seemed to be rebellious against the church standards turned their lives around and became great preachers, Sunday school teachers, and ministry workers. What you do today doesn't always seem to pay, but the investment of right in the heart of children will pay off for good if you don't quit.
My friend, whether you are a parent, pastor, youth pastor, Sunday school teacher, or a Christian school teacher, let me encourage you never to give up your stand for right. Keep holding the line. One day you may have the next great preacher sitting under you, so don't give up teaching and applying right; it will pay off if you don't quit.