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  • Allen Domelle

How I Stay Renewed

Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The schedule I have followed for years has been very rigorous for most people who have been around me. One common statement I hear from people is that I need to get some rest or I am going to burn out or kill myself. I am not against rest, but I have learned that life is short, and there is not much time to make an impact for Christ with the short life that God gives to all of us. Three to four decades of life on this earth compared to an eternity in Heaven should motivate all to do more for God.

For years, my daily schedule has started somewhere between 4 am to 4:30 am. By the time most people are getting up, I have already accomplished several things, which allows me to do more for God. Days off are usually a half day off on a certain day of the week, if I have time. I spend no less than ten hours a week going soul winning. I spend many hours a week walking with God, and this does not include my time to study for sermons and Sunday school lessons.

One may ask, how do you keep up with such a rigorous schedule without burning out? You see, I have been keeping this schedule for a couple of decades. However, I found the secret to renewing my strength is Isaiah 40:31. God says you renew your strength through serving God and not by sitting and serving self. When I am tired, I tend to do more for God so that I can renew my strength. I have discovered that I find a new energy and strength after serving God.

Now, the strength that I find is often not my strength. God says, But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;… The word renew means to exchange. I exchange my strength for another strength. Whose strength am I exchanging my strength for? I am exchanging my strength for God’s. Follow me. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:10, …for when I am weak, then am I strong. How could Paul say that he was the strongest when he was weak? He could say this because he was working through God’s strength and not his.

This is the great secret to renewing your strength. When you are weary and tired, you must rely upon the strength of the LORD. As you rely on the strength of the LORD, you discover His strength flows through you; thus, you have exchanged weakness for strength; you have exchanged tired for God’s energy. You don't find strength when you are weary by sitting and serving self, but you find strength when you are weary by serving the LORD.

It truly comes down to one thing: you must die to self and be filled with the Spirit to have your strength renewed. The greatest thing about my flesh being weak and tired is that it doesn't have the energy to help me live in the flesh. Therefore, I must rely on the Holy Spirit for strength, and when the Holy Spirit fills me, my strength is renewed, or, I exchange my strength for God’s strength.

Do you feel tired and weary? Are you physically worn out? God promises to renew your strength if you wait upon Him. To wait upon God is to serve Him. Always remember that you never renew your strength by sitting, but you must keep serving God, yield to the Holy Spirit, and as you serve God, God will exchange your strength for His, which will allow you to run and not be weary.

1 comentario

12 hours ago

Amen and Amen! My life is hid in Christ! I seek Him early. Thank you!

Alive with Christ,

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