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Allen Domelle

How to Choose a Pastor

Jeremiah 50:6

My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace.

Israel went astray because their shepherds caused them to go astray. Did the shepherds force these people to do wrong? No, but their example of living led these people astray. If the shepherds had done right, Israel would have done right. This example was seen throughout Israel’s history. Having the right shepherds was critical to Israel’s spiritual walk with God.

The pastor is often referred to in the Scriptures as a shepherd. You become who your pastor is; therefore, it is critical to choose the right pastor. I have seen people who were strong in what they believed move to a new place and change what they once believed. Why? They changed because their pastor was not the right example. Choosing the right pastor is critical because you will become who he is and what he does. Let me give several things you should look for in a pastor.

First, choose a pastor who walks with God. I know this seems difficult to know, but you will know by listening to his preaching if he walks with God. You will hear your pastor often refer to his time with God. If you have questions about his walk with God, ask him about how he studies God’s Word before you join his church. Any good pastor will never be offended by someone wanting to know how he walks with God and prays, for he knows that people will copy his study and walk with God.

Second, choose a soul winning pastor. Soul winning is the first command after baptism, and if a pastor is not a soul winner, he cannot lead you to obey God as you should. The church he pastors will know if he goes soul winning regularly. No pastor is given an exemption from being a soul winner because they travel weekly to preach in other churches. If a pastor is not a soul winner, they are disobedient to God, and they will lead you to be disobedient in this area.

Third, choose a pastor who lives a holy life. If a pastor has no standards, he will lead you and your family to have no standards. You should desire a pastor who is not concerned with worldly fads and who dresses and looks like a pastor. If the pastor dresses down in the pulpit, you can be assured that he will cause you to have no dress standards and live a compromising life.

Fourth, choose a pastor that is building something. If a pastor is not building something, he will lead you to live an apathetic life. A pastor who is building something will have a great vision, and that great vision will influence you to have a vision for you and your family to build something for God.

Fifth, choose a pastor who challenges you to serve in ministry. Never choose a pastor who appeases comfort by sitting and doing nothing for God. Involvement in ministry stirs you to live for others, and a pastor should challenge you to serve because it challenges you to live for others.

Sixth, choose a pastor that challenges you to live by faith. If the pastor is not attempting great things by faith, he will most certainly not challenge you to do great things for God by faith. A pastor who lives a life of faith will challenge you to do so, and that life of faith will help you and your family to always live a life that pleases God.

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