2 Chronicles 7:3
And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.
There are four types of people you will deal with in the ministry. The first type is the one who will never do anything despite what they have seen. The second type is the one who is skeptical of what they have seen. The third type is the one who must see something before they believe or do anything for God. The fourth type is the one who believes God and does right despite not seeing one great work being done. It is the fourth crowd that sees God do the greatest works through their lives because of their faith.
When Solomon finished building the temple, he gathered the people to dedicate it to the LORD. When Solomon was done praying, the Scriptures record that fire fell from Heaven and consumed the altar. It took fire to fall from Heaven and to consume the altar to get the people to worship and praise the LORD. It is wonderful they worshipped and praised the LORD when they saw this, but they should have worshipped and praised the LORD despite seeing the fire fall.
Many people are sight-driven and will never do anything for God until they see something miraculous happen. Thomas had this problem in believing that Jesus rose from the dead. He said he would not believe until he actually thrust his hand into the side of Christ that was pierced. Jesus responded to Thomas by saying in John 20:29, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Jesus wanted all to know that it is always better to believe Christ and His words without seeing the proof than it is to wait to see God’s works before you believe and do something for Him.
My friend, it takes faith to see God do great works through a ministry or life. You should trust God enough that you don't have to see something before you do what He tells you to do. We ought to do what God tells us to do because it is right to do. We ought to do what God tells us to do because it shows our trust that we believe in His Word. Those who live life by faith are those who see the greatest works of God through their lives and ministry.
However, we must deal with the other three crowds I mentioned above. The one crowd that most people fall under is the crowd that must see before they will believe or do anything. This means it takes the fourth crowd to do something miraculous for God through their lives before the third crowd will get active. Whether or not we like it, we need the fourth crowd to step up so we can pull the third crowd over to doing something for God.
Are you doing anything that would cause this third crowd to believe and want to be a part of God doing something through their lives and the ministry? Not only must you believe God can do something, but you need to attempt to do what God tells you to do for God to do the miraculous through your life so the third crowd will follow. I challenge you to be the fourth crowd that believes God, and step out by faith to attempt something great for Him so His power will fall on your life and ministry. This will result in the third crowd wanting to follow. We can turn a world around for Christ if the fourth crowd will do something so the third crowd will follow.