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Allen Domelle

It's a Battlefield

2 Timothy 2:3

Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

We live in a generation that thinks the Christian life is a warm, feel-good life that everyone is just going to love each other. Now, it would be wonderful to think that we could live our lives with this warm fuzzy feeling, but the Scriptures make it clear that the believer is in a battle. When you look at what Paul says to Timothy about fighting this battle, you see the Christian walk is a battlefield that requires the believer to be a good soldier who fights to keep from being overtaken by the battle. Paul shows several keywords that are necessary for the believer to live if they will successfully walk this battlefield without being overcome.

First, the believer needs to be strong. Paul said be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. You cannot waver in your salvation and be strong. You need to settle the assurance of your salvation to avoid the landmines that Satan has set up in this Christian warfare in which we fight.

Second, the believer needs to be committed. You cannot commit what you have learned to others if you are not committed. Commitment is paramount if you will not be overcome in this battle. Be committed to your faith, your church, and to living a Christian life at all costs. A lack of commitment always causes the believer to flee the Christian life when it becomes difficult.

Third, the believer needs to endure. Hard times will come, and you will quit if you don't get some endurance. Endurance, instead of quitting, is as simple as putting the next step forward. The next step is not always easy, but you must be a believer who takes the next step if you are to keep the battle from overtaking you.

Fourth, the believer needs to get in the war. Paul says, No man that warreth…. Don't sit on the sidelines. You cannot play the defensive and win in the war. Preventative defense always loses in the Christian life. The best way to prevent from losing is to be on the offensive and war against those things that would cause you to lose in this spiritual warfare. You must accept we are in a war and stop trying to avoid it; rather, be a warrior and fight for right, even if it means others will accuse you of having a wrong disposition. I would rather have a wrong disposition and fight for right than to have a right disposition and compromise my soul winning ministries.

Fifth, the believer needs to strive for the masteries. Don't have a loser’s mindset that says it can't be done, but strive to win and to accomplish great things for God.

Sixth, the believer needs to labor. Labor to bear fruit. You can't see people saved without laboring in the harvest. Likewise, you can’t reap the harvest and cut back on your soul winning efforts. The battle takes labor, but we win the battle by laboring to reach the lost for Christ.

Seventh, the believer needs to be faithful. Faithfulness is critical to winning in the battle. Anyone can be faithful, and you stay faithful by getting up each day and doing what you are supposed to do.

Eighth, the believer needs to shun. The wrong crowd must be shunned at all times. One wrong association can hurt you in this battle. Shun those who try to destroy our foundations so that you can stay strong in this battle as a good soldier.

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