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Making Peace in Your Borders

Allen Domelle

Psalm 147:14

He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.

God says that He maketh peace in thy borders. In other words, God has given us borders by which we are to live within. Many have tried to find peace outside of the borders of God’s Word, but they only found heartache and sorrow outside of those borders.

True peace is only found in Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:7 says, And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Now, whatever your borders are in life that you must live within, you can find peace in those borders if you will keep your heart and mind on Christ. We don't define the borders that life has given to us, but we can find peace within those borders IF our mind is on God. Isaiah 26:3 teaches, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. That peace for which you are looking for in life is only found by staying within the borders that God has given you, and by keeping your mind stayed on God. There are four areas of your life where keeping your mind on God is critical if you are to find peace within those borders.

First, you can find peace within the borders of your trials. Too many run from their trials, but it is in the trial where you will find the presence of God. The three Hebrew children found peace with Christ in the fiery furnace. Joseph found the peace of God in the land of his affliction. You may not have asked for the trials you are in, but you can find peace in those trials if you will keep your mind stayed on Christ.

Second, you can find peace within the borders of God’s Word. Only in the Word of God will you find the words that will comfort your soul. Only within God’s Word will you find the answers to life as you live within the borders of your trials. God’s Word is your answer to finding peace. God’s Word is the balm of Gilead. God’s Word gives the calm that allows you to have a peace that passeth all understanding. God’s Word is what gives you the faith to believe that God will direct your paths if you continue to trust Him. You will never find peace outside the borders of God’s Word. When trials have put borders on your life, you can find peace when you spend much time in God’s Word.

Third, you can find peace within the borders of God’s path for your life. The prodigal thought he could find peace outside of God’s will for his life, but the only thing he found was hunger and the slop of the hogs. Samson thought he could find peace outside of God’s path for his life, but the only thing he found was a dungeon with his eyes plucked out of his head. Jonah thought he could find peace outside of God’s path for his life, but he found the prison of a whale’s belly caused his fear to be greater. You can try to live your own life, but you will never find the peace for which you are looking. Peace in life is found by living within the borders for which God has made you, which is the will of God for your life.

Fourth, you can find peace in the border of prayer. 1 Peter 5:7 says, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Prayer is the key to finding peace within the borders of your life. Life may have enclosed you in with heartache, but prayer is where you find the freedom from heartache and trials by casting your care on God. Peace in life is found in the closet of prayer as you cast your cares on Christ.


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