Matthew 19:26
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Satan always provides excuses for why people cannot get saved, and his purpose in providing those excuses is because he does not want people to trust Christ as their Saviour. Often, these excuses come from ignorant believers who think they are smart, but in reality, they are peddling Satan’s message of the difficulty of salvation. Satan likes nothing more than to create negative mindsets in those who give out the Gospel so that he can hinder them from leading people to Christ. Let me share several mindsets that will hinder you from being the soul winner Christ wants you to be.
The first mindset is that someone is too hard to get saved. Jesus talked about how hard it was for a rich man to be saved, which caused the disciples to ask, Who then can be saved? Though it may be harder for a rich man to be saved, Jesus made it clear that with God all things are possible. Never approach someone with the mindset that they are too hard to be saved. We often look at one’s persona and think they are too hard to get saved because they are rich or educated. If you want to be a successful soul winner for Christ, always keep the mindset that there is no person that the Gospel cannot penetrate their heart.
The second mindset is that someone is too young to be saved. There are some who say that children can't get saved or it is hard to lead a child to Christ, but Jesus makes it very clear that unless you’re like a child, it’s hard for you to get saved. It is much easier for a child to trust Christ than it is for anyone else. Be careful that you don't become a tool to send children to Hell because of the messengers of Satan that try to make it difficult for children to get saved. Jesus has made it very clear that children are likely the easiest ones to lead to Christ.
The third mindset is that it takes time for people to get saved. There are some who don't think that someone cannot get saved in just a short ten-minute Gospel presentation, but those who believe this are showing their ignorance of the Scriptures. When you look at all the salvation conversions in the Scriptures, you will see that every one of them happened in a short time period. The thief on the cross was likely less than a one-minute conversation. Paul and the Philippian jailor only conversed with just a few more than twenty words, and the jailor got saved. When people accuse you of being a 1-2-3 pray-after-me type of soul winner, all you need to do is point to Christ and Paul and tell them that you are simply copying their examples. Let these compromisers know that they are the one who is wrong because Christ never made it a process to get saved; He made it a simple decision to trust Christ’s payment for their salvation.
The fourth mindset is that it is too early for someone to get saved. The Scriptures disagree with this mindset in 2 Corinthians 6:2 when it says, …behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. When people accuse you of picking green fruit, all you need to do is point to the fact that if it is fruit, then they must be saved.
My friend, never let heretics who make the Gospel hard to accept influence your delivery of Christ’s simple Gospel. The power of the Gospel is not in your delivery but in the Gospel. Keep the mindset with everyone you witness to that it is possible for them to get saved.