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  • Allen Domelle

Patient with the Process

Mark 4:20

And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

No great work is built overnight, but every great work is built over time. Many works quickly sprung up and flourished, but then they died because they were a work of the immediate instead of a steady work of doing the same thing day in and day out.

In the parable of the seed, Jesus shows two key thoughts about why some seed is here and gone while other seed produces thirty, sixty, and hundredfold. These key thoughts will determine what God can do through your ministry.

Immediately is the first key thought that shows why some works never survive. These are the works that expect God’s blessings immediately, but when they don't see something immediately, they quickly jump to something else to see where they can get instant growth. The mentality of expecting immediate growth has destroyed many works.

The other thought Jesus shows is the seed that brought thirty, sixty, and hundredfold was accomplished by someone who was patient with the process. Someone went out daily to pull the weeds, water the seed, and wait for it to grow. Someone was willing to go through the season doing what they were supposed to do and wait for the fruit. The person who was patient with the process saw the great fruit.

My friend, this is the secret to producing a mighty work for God. Yes, it always takes God to have a mighty work, but it takes someone who is not looking to jump to something new and just do what is right week in and week out who will see God do His mighty work through them. You must be patient with the process of the old paths to see the old paths produce lives that will help you perpetuate the truths and doctrines of God’s Word. If you look at the great works, you will see these works did right, not just for a few months, but for years. The pastors of those great churches didn't stop doing what they were supposed to do, but they were patient with the process.

If you want God to do something mighty through your life or ministry, be patient with the process. Be patient with the process of soul winning. Many people think we go soul winning to build a work, but that is not true. Certainly, you will never build a great work without soul winning, but you go soul winning to reach the lost. Just because your converts are not flocking to church does not mean you should stop going soul winning. You must continue to go soul winning and be patient with the Lord working on their hearts to become what they need to be.

Be patient with the process of prayer. Everyone wants immediate answers to prayer, but the great prayers are answered because someone never stopped praying. Just because you don't have an immediate answer to prayer does not mean God won't answer it. Be patient and continue to pray until God chooses to answer it.

Be patient with the work of faith. You stepped out by faith, but faith’s work doesn't always produce immediate miracles. The miraculous will come if you are patient with faith’s process. Keep attempting something great by faith and don't give up, and you will see God bless you with thirty, sixty, or hundredfold fruit.


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