2 Peter 3:1
This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
Everyone has found their mind blocked from being what it could be at different times. The mind is an amazing tool when it functions to its peak performance. The Scriptures talk much about the mind and the walk with God. We are told to cast down imaginations in 2 Corinthians 10:5. We are commanded to serve the Lord with all of our mind in Mark 12:30. We are commanded not to be of a doubtful mind in Luke 12:29. We are admonished to have a ready mind in Acts 17:11. We are commanded to have a humble mind in Acts 20:19. We are told that the mind is what controls what we do in Romans 7. We are commanded to have the mind of Christ in Philippians 2:5.
It is critical to your Christian walk that your mind is working to its fullest potential. God commands us to stir up your pure minds. A pure mind is a mind that has nothing stopping it from working. In other words, God is commanding us to learn how to get out of a spiritual mind block so that we can serve Him to our fullest potential. There are several ways God teaches how to remove the spiritual mind block so that your mind can be fully used for Him.
First, having a pure mind removes spiritual mind block. You cannot feed your mind trash and expect pure thoughts and spiritual desires to come out of it. What you feed your mind is exactly what comes out. God needs you to have a pure mind so that He can work through your life. The impurities of gossip, pornography, worldliness, and negativity will block your spiritual mind and hinder your ability to serve God to the best of your ability. You must guard that you don't put anything into your mind that would cause it to be impure.
Second, feed your mind when it is fresh. The Scriptures are the best food to feed your mind, and the best time to feed it is when it is the freshest. The Scriptures teach the importance of feeding your mind early in the morning. Psalm 63:1 says, O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee:… Proverbs 8:17 says, I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Isaiah 26:9 says, With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: Too many wait to feed their mind until they have a sluggish mind, but it will not have the ability to work at its peak when your mind is sluggish. Trust the Scripture’s admonition to feed your mind early in the morning; you will find your mind will function better throughout the day when you take time in the early morning to feed it God’s Word.
Third, take time to meditate on God’s Word. Verse 2 says, That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets… To be mindful of something is to take time to think about it. God’s Word has a way of clearing your mind if you take the time to meditate in His Word. You can stir your mind simply by dwelling on what God fed it as you read His Word that morning.
Fourth, listening to sermons will help to remove spiritual mind block. Sermons have a way of causing you to think. Make it a regular weekly habit to schedule time to listen to sermons outside of church attendance; it will help to stir your mind for God.
Stirring your mind is critical to being stirred spiritually. You can regularly be stirred for God if you add these four actions to your daily or weekly routines.