Ezekiel 22:30
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
I found none. What a sad commentary about a nation that God had blessed. God looked for one person who stood in the gap for their nation, but He found none. The fact that God looked for someone to stand in the gap means that God was interested in this nation. God looked for someone who did everything they could to make up the hedge in his country. You see, sin had caused a gap in the hedge of Israel, and God was looking for someone who would make it their life’s mission to make up that hedge so the gap would no longer be there.
The same could be said about any nation, but I look at my own nation. America, the land that has been blessed by God, has become a nation that has a gap in its hedge. In this gap is wickedness, sin, and careless believers. In this gap are churches that are pleasure-driven instead of soul-driven. In this gap are churches that are more interested in just holding on instead of being churches that are determined to make up the hedge.
Someone needs to close the gap of the hedge in their nation. Some church needs to make it their mission to close the gap in their nation so that God does not bring His judgment upon it. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…. God is looking for someone to make up that hedge, but we must determine what it will take for someone to make up that hedge if we are going to do it. Let me share three things you can do to make up the hedge.
First, someone must pray to make up the hedge for their nation. Prayer is one of the ingredients to making up the hedge for a nation. Someone ought to love their nation enough to pray for it. You ought to pray for God’s mercy on your nation, and pray that He would use you to make up that hedge for Him. A nation that has no one to pray for it is a nation headed to destruction.
Second, someone needs to win the lost to make up the hedge. We can pray all day long for our nation to be saved, but if we are not actively trying to reach the lost in our nation, we will never make up the hedge for it. Every soul we win is another step in making up the hedge. You will never make up the hedge and see the hearts of the people of your nation changed if you are not trying to win those people to Christ. Prayer and soul winning is the only thing that will turn the heart of a nation to God. You can pray all day long and never reach the lost, and the hedge of your nation will never be made up. You can soul win and never pray, and again the heart of your nation will not be changed. You need prayer and soul winning to change the heart of your nation to God.
Third, someone needs to attempt to save their nation by faith. You are part of the problem of your nation if you believe she can never be saved with prayer and soul winning. Someone must have enough faith to step out and do what they can to save their nation. If you don't attempt something great by faith, you are sure not to do anything great by faith. God is looking for someone who believes He is powerful enough to save their nation and who will attempt to do what they can to save it. Be that person!