Mark 8:4
And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?
Four thousand people were present at this service that Jesus preached at, but there was no food to feed this great crowd. The only food they had was seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. This situation was dire, and there seemed to be no way to feed this large crowd, but whenever there is an impossible situation, there is always a miraculous God who can turn the impossible into possible. Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit down on the ground, and after giving thanks, he commanded them to give out of the bread that they had. As they gave out the bread, they never ran out of bread because Jesus multiplied the bread because of the faith of the disciples to hand out what they had. In this miracle, you see several things it takes for God to take your faith to perform the miraculous.
First, it takes an impossible situation for God to do the miraculous. There is no miracle without the impossible. We want to see the miraculous, but we can't stomach the impossible. My friend, you will never see God do the miraculous in your life if you live on the easy street of only doing what you know you can do. Those who have seen the miraculous are those who have faced the impossible.
Second, it takes you realizing your inability to meet the need of what must take place. Until you reach the end of your abilities and admit it, you will never see God step in and do the miraculous. God never performs the miraculous for those who still think they can do something to turn the impossible situation around. God desires to get all the glory, and it is not until He sees that you see your inability and need His power that He will step in to help you with your impossible situation.
Third, it takes organization for God to do the miraculous. God told the disciples to have the people sit down, which was Jesus showing the need for organization. Certainly, God can perform the miraculous through the unorganized, but the miracles will be limited. The miraculous always does more through organization. Don’t limit the miracles of God because of your disorganization. Learn how to be organized so that when God chooses to do the miraculous, you will see the full miracle that God intended.
Fourth, it takes faith that God can do what He says He will do for the miraculous to happen. You will only see the miraculous to the degree of faith you act upon. God is a reactive God, and He shows His power to the degree of faith you have in His abilities. The more faith you act upon, the greater the miracle God will do through you. The only reason anyone does not see great miracles today is because they limit the miraculous by their limited faith.
Fifth, it takes you going as far as you can with what you have for God to do the miraculous. The disciples gave out of what they had, and God always provided more. The key to God showing His power is for you to go as far as you can with what you have, and see God step in to take you further. If you wait until everything is in place before you give out of what you have, you will never see God do the miraculous through your life. At some point, you must step out by faith and go as far as you can with what you have, and let God show you that He will be there to give you more when you come to the end of your ability.