1 Samuel 17:37
David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.
The confidence that David had in his God was not unfounded. When David faced Goliath, he was not afraid of what he faced because God had helped him in the past. David remembered the time that the bear came to take a sheep, and God helped him to deliver the sheep out of the paw of the bear. He remembered how a lion came to destroy a sheep, but God helped him to save the sheep and kill the lion. David said, the LORD that delivered me…he will deliver. David was saying that he was not trusting a God who was not tested, but he was trusting the God that had come through before, and he was confident that He would come through again.
Any believer can have the confidence and courage of David to face their Goliath if they remember the God that has will do it again. David didn't place his faith in something that had never come through, but He placed His faith in a God that has ALWAYS come through. God came through to create the world, but He also came through to deliver Noah when He destroyed the world. God came through for Noah to deliver him from the flood, but He also came through to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Egyptians. God came through to deliver Israel through the Red Sea, and He also came through to deliver Jericho into the hands of Joshua. David’s faith was that the God that has will do it again. The character of God is that He will do again what He has already done for others in the past. David understood God’s character, and that is what gave him the confidence, courage and faith that God will do it again.
Pastor, if God has built great churches in the past, He can do it again. God is not a one-generational God that can only do it one time, but He is a multi-generational God who can do it every time if His people are willing to work hard enough to build a great church for Him. If you stopped listening to the naysayers who have no faith, you could see that the God that has will do it again if we will attempt it by faith. Having the courage, confidence and faith that God can build a great church again is not difficult to have when you realize the character of God never changes.
Believer, the God that has helped people through trials in the past will do it again if you trust Him. The God that delivered Job from trials will deliver you through your trial if you trust Him. The God that delivered Joseph from slavery and prison will deliver you from that which is trying to destroy you if you trust Him. God’s character is that He has always been there for every believer to deliver them, and He has delivered them, and will do it again if you trust Him.
Christian, the God that has revived nations before will do it again if we determine to take our nation back for God. This is not the first time that dark days have prevailed. God is not worried about the evil that runs rampant today. My friend, the God that has sent revival in the past will do it again if we call on Him, forsake our sin, and do the works that bring revival. The God that revived Nineveh in the last hour will revive our nation if we trust Him and do what He commands us to do. No matter what you face, always remember that the God that has will do it again, so trust Him!