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The Importance of Record Keeping

Allen Domelle

Numbers 7:10

And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the altar.

When the tabernacle was set up for the first time, the prince from each tribe came and offered sacrifices and offerings for the tabernacle. When you read this chapter, you will see that each offering and sacrifice was the same, but God still recorded the individual’s name who gave the sacrifice and offering. Someone had to record these offerings and sacrifices, which shows the importance God places on record keeping.

Record keeping often dictates how well an organization runs and how much it will grow. You show me those who keep detailed records, and I will show you someone who cares about what they do. In the church I pastor, I keep detailed records in many areas of our church. Each record tells me a story about the health of our church and where we are going. If you are flippant about keeping records in your church, you will find yourself struggling to grow, but if you are diligent to keep detailed records, you will find that God will use those records to help you grow a thriving church if you use those records for good. Let me share several things record keeping will do for you.

First, records reveal your interest in what you are doing for God. If you are not interested in keeping records, you are likely not interested in God’s work. The Scriptures are God’s records that He kept, and if God felt it was important to keep records, I would think you would have the same diligence to see their importance to the passion of your heart for God’s work.

Second, records teach us. Records will teach you patterns in your ministry that may need to be corrected so they don't happen again. Many people don't realize that downtimes in the ministry often happen at the same time. You can do something to avoid regular downtimes if you study your records.

Third, records help us to organize better. You cannot be organized and not keep records because records are the key to organizing. Those who do not keep records are often disorganized or not passionate about what they are doing. A disorganized church often keeps no records. You will never find a thriving church that doesn't keep detailed records because those records help keep a thriving church motivated and organized.

Fourth, records will encourage you. You may think you had a bad day, but when you look back to the prior year to see what you did on the same day, you will likely find that your day was better than the previous year. Records can encourage you on down days to show you that you are growing.

Fifth, records will convict you. Sometimes records will reveal that you are not growing, which should convict you to step us your efforts for the LORD. Many people don't know how bad they are doing because they have no records to see their demise. Many don't know when the last time was that they led someone to Christ because they have no records to show them. Record keeping is critical to motivating you when you are not doing well.

Sixth, records will grow you. Your records will show you the steps you need to take to improve. You show me the Sunday school teacher, bus captain, or pastor who keeps detailed records of what they do, and I will show you someone whose ministry is growing.


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