Mark 14:11
And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.
No one has conveniently served the Lord. Everyone who has sought convenience always found themselves on the opposite side of God. Convenience and serving the Lord are never in the same conversation. Jesus said to take up your cross and follow Him, not wait until it is convenient to follow Him. It is not convenient to serve the Lord, and it will never be convenient to serve Him. In fact, you will find it to be inconvenient to serve the Lord.
Throughout the Scriptures, those who sought convenience never did right. On a convenient day, Herod had John the Baptist killed. At a convenient time, Judas Iscariot betrayed the Saviour. Felix looked for a convenient season to call on the Lord for salvation, but found that season never came. A reprobate society is formed when you live for convenience. Paul waited for Apollos to have a convenient season to come visit him when Paul needed him at that time. Convenience is always going to put you on the wrong side of the Scriptures. Let me share some thoughts about the tragedy of convenience and the blessing of inconvenience.
First, it is never convenient to be faithful to church. Something will always come up that causes you to miss church. What comes up may seem important, but nothing is more important than obeying God’s command to be faithful to church. Many have backslidden because convenience kept them out of church.
Second, it is never convenient to serve the Lord. It is not convenient to go soul winning. It will never be convenient to work on a bus route. It will never be convenient to lay aside pleasures to serve the Lord. If you are waiting for a convenient time to lay aside worldliness so you can serve God, you will never find that time. Satan always makes it inconvenient to serve the Lord.
Third, it is never convenient to walk with God. Walking with God requires you to wake up early to read the Scriptures. Walking with God requires you to set the world aside for some time to pray to God. It is never convenient to walk with God in the Scriptures. You must purposely be inconvenienced if you will walk with God successfully in His Word and prayer.
Fourth, it will never be convenient to accept Christ as your Saviour. Many have sought a convenient time to accept Christ, and because that time never came, they found themselves burning in an inconvenient Hell. The most convenient time you will ever have to accept Christ as your Saviour is now while God is speaking to your heart. You may never have another opportunity to get saved, so now is the convenient season to get saved.
My friend, those who lived the inconvenient life of serving God and doing right have always found the convenience of God’s blessings. Yes, it takes character to be inconvenienced so that you can serve the Lord and do right, but you will thank God a thousand times over that you were willing to be inconvenienced when God’s blessings are on your life or ministry. Those whom God uses the greatest lived the inconvenient life of doing right. If you want to please God and have His blessings on your life, you must be willing to be inconvenienced to do what He wants you to do.