John 1:50
Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.
Jesus had just found Philip and showed him how to get saved. As soon as Philip left Jesus, he went to find Nathanael to tell him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. Nathanael could not believe that Jesus was of Nazareth because he asked, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? All Philip could say to that question was, Come and see.
When Jesus saw Nathanael coming, he made the statement that Nathanael was a man in whom was no guile. Nathanael did not understand how Jesus knew him because they had never met before. However, Jesus told Nathanael that before Philip called him, He saw him under a fig tree; it was at that moment that Nathanael accepted Christ as his Saviour. Jesus then said to Nathanael, thou shalt see greater things than these.
Salvation is only to be the beginning of miracles in a believer’s life. God has greater miracles He wants to do through the believer if they will only attempt greater things by faith. You have something greater inside you called faith, and if you let your faith grow, you can see greater miracles than just salvation. There are several essentials you must do if you are to see greater things in your life after salvation.
First, you must accept that God has greater things for you. You cannot live your life thinking that greater things cannot be done because of the age in which we live. Too many believers are pessimistic about God’s power and His ability to do something great in our day. If God cannot do the miraculous in our day, then God is not God. If God cannot do greater things in our day, then God cannot keep us saved. It is the timeless power of God that saves, keeps, and does greater things through any person of any age.
Second, you must attempt greater things for God to do greater things through you. God has already promised to do greater things through you, but you must attempt them before He will do them. Not to attempt greater things is to leave them on the table unfinished. One day we will get to Heaven and see how much more God could have done through us if we acted on the faith that God can do greater things through us. The only reason greater things are not being done in one’s life is because they have not attempted them.
Third, doing greater things is doing things bigger than your abilities. Yes, it is scary to do greater things, but you will never know what God could do through you until you attempt greater things. I would rather fail at attempting greater things for God than succeed at doubting that God could do greater things through me. My friend, you are missing out on the greater things if you don't attempt things that are scary and bigger than your ability. Yes, it does take faith, but God ALWAYS honors faith.
Let me ask, what greater thing has God done in your life since you have been saved? You have greater things inside of you that God wants to do, but you must trust that His power is not done after you got saved. Let salvation be just the beginning of God’s miraculous power working in your life.