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What Every Person Wants to See

Allen Domelle

John 12:21

The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.

There came some Greek people to Philip, and the one thing they desired to see was Jesus. They said to Philip, Sir, we would see Jesus. We don't know how many Greek people came to Philip, but we do know they wanted to see Jesus. We don't know what their ages were, but we do know that they wanted to see Jesus. We don't know their upbringing, but we know they wanted to see Jesus. We don't know if they were educated or uneducated, but we know they wanted to see Jesus. We don't know their names, but we know they wanted to see Jesus.

The desire of these Greek people is still the same desire today. People do not care about your buildings, your wealth, your abilities, or your education, but they do want to see Jesus. The little child in the Sunday school class desires to see Jesus. The teenager and the single adult desire to see Jesus. The married person and the widowed want to see Jesus. The drunk on the street and the drug addict desire to see one thing when they come to your church: they desire to see Jesus.

You see, you are the only one who can show these people Jesus. Your life is to be a replica of Christ, and if they can see Christ through your life, you can be the tool to change many lives. The Sunday school teacher is to show Jesus through their lives to those in their class. The junior church preacher is to show Jesus through their life to those children. The pastor of a church is to show Jesus through his life to those who come to hear him preach.

Jesus proclaims in verse 32, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. What is the job of the believer? The job of the believer is to lift up Christ, and when He is lifted up, others will be drawn to Christ. Every church service should be a lifting up of Christ. Every Sunday school class should be thirty minutes of lifting up Christ. Every music special in the church should be filled with lifting up Christ. The job of the nursery worker is to lift up Christ to those little babies. The job of the bus worker is to lift up Christ on their bus route. The job of the ministry worker is to lift up Christ in their ministry. The job of the parent is to lift up Christ to their children. If Christ is lifted up in all we do, we will find that all men will be drawn unto Christ. When people are drawn to Christ, souls will be saved, and lives will be changed.

Are you lifting up Christ in your life? Do people see Jesus through you? Your life is the only way that most people will ever see Jesus. Do your neighbors see Jesus through your life? Does your family see Jesus through your life? Do those you work with see Jesus through your life as you work throughout the day? Do your friends see Jesus in your life? Do those you attend church with see Jesus in your life?

My friend, our lives should be so yielded to Christ that all people see through our lives is Christ. They will never see Christ through your life if you don't spend time with Him in the Scriptures and in prayer. It is only through the power of walking with Christ daily in prayer and in His Word that anyone will ever see Christ through your life. If you don't yield to the Holy Spirit, nobody will see Christ through your life. Make it your daily goal to show Christ through your life to everyone you have come into contact with that day. If you will lift up Christ in your life and ministry, all men will be drawn to Christ because of your lifting Him up.


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